A simple eye test can do more than assess your sight. It could save your life. Warning signs for a range of life-threatening illnesses can be detected in the inner workings of the eye.
Cutting edge new medical technology has empowered us to obtain images on a scale that were never possible before and changed the way we and research scientists now diagnose and treat eye disease.
With this level of detail, the photoreceptors, and micro capillaries in the retina can be distinguished as distinct layers. So minute disruptions within various retinal layers can be pinpointed so lesions which were well beyond the resolution limit of previous traditional methods. can now be recognised
Viren. Jani.
If you are noticing any significant vision changes, please do contact us today to schedule an eye examination.
Conditions that can leave you with Impaired Vision
- Glaucoma
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Cataracts
- Macular degeneration
- Thyroid eye disease
- Dry Eyes
- Temporary/Permanent Double Vision
With early timely detection, diagnosis and intervention, treatment guidance for conditions like macular degeneration, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy and other retinal diseases can be established. We can now also track minute changes in the optic nerve head thereby monitor people who possibly may develop glaucoma.
Your eyes, are truly windows to your Health & it is important to maintain good vision.
....remember children’s sight is equally precious!
At our Clinic we test even preschool children for signs of visual problems. Free NHS eye tests are provided for children under age 16 yrs.
Routine eye examinations are very essential to detect problems in your ocular health as often you may be completely unaware of salient conditions especially like , glaucoma or cataracts because these could be present without any symptoms.